Well, in this part of the country which I come from, dates are cherished and you can’t miss a chance to see them in the barrows of Hausa hawkers, who sell them alongside tiger nuts. The sight of it can get one excited and enticing.
What are date fruits? you might be wondering.
It is a fleshy fruit with a single seed and has a brown color. It is dry and hard to bite on sometimes. It has a sugary taste too.
It looks sticky and creamy when it’s exposed to heat or the sun (assumes the texture of honey) It is gotten from date palm a flowering plant from the palm family of the Arecaceae specie. It is widely cultivated across northern Africa. It doesn’t specifically have an origin as it has its cultivated in the Middle East and the Indus Valley for thousands of years.
Dates get wrinkled, not to worry, that doesn’t mean it’s spoilt it’s normal. As it can be preserved for a year without spoiling.
There are numerous varieties of dates about a million of them according to research that’s grown across the world.
Date fruits are loaded with chunks of nutritional value. Dates can be eaten as snacks, extracted into juice, blended and used as flour, mixed in meals, and also in salads.
Some of the health benefits include the following.
PROTEIN: dates are healthy and contain high protein content which encourages. If you have low protein efficiency or know someone who does. Dates are good suppliers and also enhance growth and they can be included in our meals.
SEXUAL PERFORMANCE: Dates are energy boosters and enhance libido, and room performance.
TISSUE REPAIRS: It fixes and repairs dead tissues.
IMPROVES EYESIGHT: It contains vitamin A and improves eye sight
STRONG BONES: It contains high calcium value which aids in growing strong bones and teeth.
REGULATES CHOLESTEROL: It regulates the cholesterol level.
Date fruits have so many nutritional values and are healthy for everyone in all age ranges and advisable to fix in between meals.
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