Nine years old Siju Olawepo has been named “The Calendar Genius”. A pupil of Carol School in Lagos State, Nigeria has proved to be exceptional in thinking. He is now known to spontaneously tell any day of the week in any year be it in the past or future without looking at the calendar.
Amazing isn’t it? The young man is said to have been engrossed in looking at the calendar says his father in an interview with CGTN (a Chinese international English-language news channel) when he said “We have always known him to do this calendar writing at home, and he’s burdened everybody with it. In fact, we will just leave him to do his thing. What we did not know is that he could actually match the day with the date”.
Mr. and Mrs. Olawepo did not know of their son’s rare ability until they receive a call from his Head Teacher, Mrs. Bola Adeaga who in her words said they have “AN ANGEL” as a son.
This rare gift of Siju was first discovered by his ICT teacher, David Ogiomo who initially dismissed the boy but later payed attention and started asking him random questions which Siju attended to correctly.
Since Siju’s discovery, his school has set up a special curriculum for him, allowing him to work at his own pace. Speaking of Siju’s talent. The school proprietress, Carol Akintunji, said: “The rate of reasoning, you cannot fathom it. All the dates are listed for him, he didn’t miss out any.” Also speaking about Siju’s rare talent, head, Carol School, Bola Adeaga, said: “It was shocking, and we kept drilling him. And we were just looking at him – I couldn’t comprehend it.
When asked how he knows all of this, Siju said: “I just know it.”
Siju Olawepo, some call him the calendar scholar, others call him the calendar prodigy but we call him the “CALENDAR GENIUS”.