Empowering Female Students In UNICAL: The Triumph of Knowledge and Choice in Sexual Health

In the bustling corridors of academia, where minds are ignited with knowledge and ambitions soar high, there exists a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of student well-being: sexual health. Recognizing this, the Department of Public Health, in collaboration with TCRM (The Cross River Movement) and Life Clinic NG, embarked on a transformative journey with Group 20, aimed at empowering female students to make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health.

Through the lens of the theme “Sex is Sweet, Safe Sex is Sexy, Abstinence is Safer,” let us delve into the profound outcomes, knowledge, and insights gained from this remarkable intervention.

The Sweetness of Knowledge: The primary objective of the campaign was clear: to safeguard the physical and emotional well-being of female students. Armed with comprehensive sexual health education, resources, and unwavering support, participants were equipped to navigate the intricate landscape of sexual relationships with confidence and awareness.

By understanding the importance of safe sex practices in preventing STIs and unwanted pregnancies, they embraced the notion that while “Sex is Sweet,” it is imperative to prioritize safety and responsibility.

The Allure of Safe Sex: In a world where societal norms and media often glamorize risky behaviours, the campaign’s message of “Safe Sex is Sexy” served as a beacon of empowerment. By promoting a culture that values sexual health and mutual respect, participants embraced the notion that prioritizing safety is not only responsible but also alluring.

Through engaging workshops, interactive sessions, and thought-provoking discussions, they discovered the intrinsic beauty of taking charge of their sexual health and fostering healthy relationships.

The Strength of Abstinence: While acknowledging the allure of sexual exploration, the campaign also emphasized the undeniable truth: “Abstinence is Safer.” In a society inundated with conflicting messages about sex, particularly for young people, this message resonated deeply.

By advocating for abstinence as the only 100% effective method of preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies, participants embraced the power of choice. Empowered with knowledge and agency, they recognized that abstaining from sexual activity is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to self-respect and self-preservation.

As we reflect on the journey of Group 20 and the profound impact of the campaign, one thing becomes abundantly clear: knowledge is power, and choice is liberation. By empowering female students to make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health, the campaign has not only protected their well-being but also nurtured a culture of respect, understanding, and empowerment. Moving forward, let us continue to champion the cause of sexual health education and advocacy, ensuring that every individual has the tools and support they need to thrive in mind, body, and spirit.

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Sct. Omojefe Kennedy Orezime, known as Dr. PUSH or Dr. Ken, is a dynamic entrepreneur in social, digital, and medical realms. He propels economic growth by empowering youth with vital skills. He founded Ore Innovations and the Center for Human Development (www.oreinnovations.com), an e-learning hub with visual coaching. He also established Transformation Home Africa, a youth NGO for economic progress. As CMO at Life Clinic NG, he promotes online health services. Operating Meeting You Magazine, He offers diverse digital services, supporting social impact in Nigeria (www.meetingyoumagazine.com.ng). With roles spanning African Youth Union Congress, YALI, UN Ambassadorships, and more, he's a force for change. His journey includes studies at London Business School, a Master's in Public Health, and roles in Medical Art Therapy & Yoga. He leads the Global Entrepreneurs Week in Cross River State and impacts 10,000+ African youths. Through the #WhatsTheGoalCampaign, he drives SDG awareness (#5000Actions).
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