Untold Stories of Me: Episode Four (Daniel My Crush)
“Lexa, let me see your teeth now…” asked Daniel. “No, I’m not letting you see it”, I replied. “So you’re shy to show me your teeth?” Daniel said. I was back at school after four days. It’s was break time and I was sitting with Daniel, he was scanning my body to see my injuries. […]
Episode 3: My Encounter with James
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JAMES “Please let me go” I pleaded. “I’ve got no money on me.” “Shut it!” The voice ordered, poking me below my rib cage with something. I paid close attention to the environment. It was too crowded for a criminal to rob, and so, if I gave out a shout, surely, someone […]
Untold Stories of Me: Episode Three (Halima and I)
HALIMA AND I Still gazing into space, admiring the beautifully set velvety sky, I smile to myself as I remember these events. Might have been years ago but these memories have stuck with me, they remind me of the hurdles I skipped to survive and how I’ve dealt with the pain. These events were stockpiling […]
Episode 1: Novice Part 1 (My Family Background)
A MATERIALISTIC GIRL WITH A RESPONSIBLE FAMILY BACKGROUND MY FAMILY BACKGROUND “A MATERIALISTIC GIRL”, I know what’s running through your mind. She must be a loosed girl from an irresponsible home. Probably raised by a single parent, pampered, grew up always having her way…, you will be wrong to conceive such. I had a very […]
Episode 2 (The Journey to Uyo – The Soldier Encounter)
THE JOURNEY TO UYO – THE SOLDIER ENCOUNTER Uyo was really a beautiful city. It was babbling with all sorts of activities ranging from road side bars, eateries, supermarkets, malls, kiosks, etc. not to talk of the Fulani men who sold sweet savouring suya at strategic points of streets. It was 7:25pm when we’d arrived […]
Episode Two – Charles’ Negligence Almost Cost My Life
CHARLES’ NEGLIGENCE ALMOST COST MY LIFE You’re probably communing within yourself now, how could she have possibly remembered? I mean I was only four, but it might interest you to know I have a gift of remembering significant events especially something of such magnitude. Being hit and left for dead by an unconcerned bike man […]
Dairy of a Call Girl: Intro (Sex and Money)
Sex and money are indisputably powerful. While the first is a tool to some, the latter is a trophy to others and conversely. However, both are tools for gaining control over individuals, bringing them into stark subjection as well as situations and sometimes public perception. In this game of mine, money is the ultimate price […]
Episode 1 (Dorothy! Dorothy!! Dorothy!!! – A Charming Goddess)
DOROTHY! DOROTHY!! DOROTHY!!! – A CHARMING GODDESS She stood there in the middle of the room, shirt off and was down to skirt and a singlet top. She complained the room was rising in temperature. She said it was hot. This may be the last time we’d see each other for a long time. I […]
LEXY ( WHERE IT ALL STARTED) I’ve had a lot of things happen to me in life. As I ruminate on the situations I’ve had to overcome, I gazed in awe. The near-death experiences, the emotional and psychological trauma I’ve had to endure as well as depressing experiences have made me wondered if I was […]