Campus Tales: Episode 12 (The Escape plan – How do I Escape This?)



My life was now officially messed up!

The room felt really hot. James was now with me, but he seemed like a very different person entirely. He looked like he’d been broken. He looked very distant, but tried to explain the situation I was in.


He explained that I’d known their hide out now, and so they wouldn’t let me go. “You may go tell the Police about us, and we can’t have you do that,” he said.


“You guys saved my life, man,” I looked straight in his eyes. “Why in the world will I rat you out to the police?”

“We just can’t take that risk.”

“What risk? Is trusting me, your friend, a risk?”

I was getting hysterical.


“Anyone is capable of betrayal. You just need the right dilemma.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I was getting scared now. Were they going to kill me?

“It means even your best friend can turn back on you if given the right motive.”


He explained further that the only way out is for me to join their cult, or get wasted. Wasted was their way of saying I’d be killed.


“Please, man, don’t do this to me.” I kept begging, but he kept on saying the case was not in his hands, but in his superiors’. He only did as he was commanded.

I kept pleading, but James was a different person entirely. He was truly the chameleon he was called. He advised me not to run, that it will only make things worse.


To hell with you! I reasoned.


At this point, I felt so much hatred towards him. I felt like breaking his head with something. But there was nothing close by.


The urge to attack him from behind as he rose to take his leave came, but I suppressed it.

Running now, in the light of day would only amount to failure.


I knew if I’m to survive this, I needed to act really fast. So, I hatched a plan.

The weakest link seemed to be the lanky guy. So, if I should escape, it should be during his watch.

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4 years ago

Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

4 years ago

Hmmmm, now the proposal to become a cult member.Just one mistake can ruin your every plan.I can’t wait to know what happened… Nice story!

4 years ago

Hear word pikin go say NO.We gather here dey wait the result o

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