Scent Leaves, also known as African basil, is a tropical plant belonging to the Labiatae family. It is native to Asia and some parts of Africa such as Nigeria, Ghana, etc.
In Nigeria, the scent leaf is common among the different tribes in the country. It is known as ‘Efirin’ in Yoruba, ‘Ahuju’ / ‘Nchanwu’ in Igbo, ‘Ganyen Kamsh’ / ‘Doddo Ya’ in Hausa, Edo’s “Aramogbo”, Ibibios “Ntonng” and some parts of Ijaw call it “Ekeni.”
It is mainly used as a local ingredient for cooking ‘Ofe Akwu’, pepper soups, porridge yams, Jollof beans, jollof rice, ‘Ukwa’, etc. Moreso, the Benin people use it to cook soups like ‘Ogbono’, and Egusi. It is mostly recognised for cooking different delicacies.
The scent leaf is not just popular alone for its aroma, it is also known for its health benefits. Below are some of the health benefits of scent leaves:
- Scent leaf is very rich in Vitamin A and this promotes good eyesight.
- Scent leaves contain calcium and magnesium which help to reduce bad cholesterol and increase blood circulation.
- Chewing the stem of a scent leaf fights kills bacteria causing bad breath in the mouth.
- Adding scent leaf to your food as a spice, cooking it as a vegetable soup, or boiling it as a tea aids proper digestion of food.
- Scent leaf clears nasal congestion easily. This is why people who have cold attacks often request pepper soup with scent leaves.
Try including scent leaves in your food to improve the aroma of your food and also help yourself health-wise.