Arise O’ Compatriots! – Nigeria’s National Anthem
Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey To serve our fatherland With love and strength and faith The labour of our heroes past Shall never be in vain To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity. “Arise, O Compatriots” is the national anthem of Nigeria. It the country’s second […]
Journey Home: Episode 3 (Reflection – Johnny’s Frequent)
REFLECTION JOHNNY’S FREQUENT REFLECTION “Don’t go too far honey and stay away from the water”, said a female voice. “Okay!!!” “I think I should take a walk with him”, said a male voice. “Sure, that will be nice”, she responded. “Hey Johnny, come over here”. (In a couple of seconds, he had run his way to […]
Journey Home: Episode 2 – (Interview Gone Soar)
INTERVIEW GONE SOAR – EYES ON THE NURSE “Excuse me! Excuse me!” She said as she hurriedly try to locate the reception. “Calm down, madam”, a nurse at the reception tries to help her relax. “Good day”, she said to the nurse panting. “My son was admitted at the late hours of the morning” “He […]
Journey Home (The Genesis – Don’t Miss the Interview, Jonny)
THE GENESIS – DON’T MISS THE INTERVIEW JONNY… “Wakey wakey sleepy head!!!” The window curtains slide and the room was exposed to sun rays. “Good morning Jonny!” “Arrrgh, Mom! “ “Come on sweetheart! Its morning, you don’t want to be late for your interview…” Triggered by the mention of the word “interview”, He jumped out […]
Virtual Business Thriving Submit for Restaurateurs
FREE BUSINESS WEBINAR FOR RESTAURATEURS Are you a restaurateur? Has COVID-19 outbreak affect your business? Are you planning a grand reopening? Are you scared business will not be the same? Do you desire strategies to thrive again and compete favourably? Do you want to steal the show and become the market leader? If you […]
Guide to Starting a Business: Self Evaluation
Starting a business is easy but being in business is challenging. It therefore, goes to say that not everyone is an entrepreneur. But the chances of being an entrepreneur are open and limitless. A college degree doesn’t tell who an entrepreneur is but a great idea, courage to execute it, and zeal to carry on […]
VC4A hosts COVID-19 Business Resilience Training
VC4A COVID-19 Business Assessment Interactive Training The outbreak of COVID-19 has really affected business operation around the world. Businesses have suffered financial losses due to the economic crises faced as a result of the Novel Corona Virus. There is need to build resistance against this challenge. For this reason, Venture Capital for Africa (VC4A) […]
Michael Showunmi: World Greatest Teacher
MICHAEL SHOWUNMI: PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED BUT NOT RESTRICTED You probably have seen some physically challenged persons begging along the streets, roundabouts, market places, mall entrance, church etc. It common in our country. We feel pity to give alms to some of them. Sometimes, people without physically disability hang around corners to ask for assistance. These ones […]
DevNet Day Re-scheduled
Just days to the first virtual Cisco DevNet Day, it was postponed. The initial propose date of June 4, 2020 was probably not convenient for the network giant to organize the event. The Chairman and CEO Chuck Robbins spoke on the reasons behind the postponement on the video below. And the SVP/GM Cisco DevNet […]
Jordan Donates $100 million to Racial Equality
Michael Jordan also known as MJ and Jordan Brand declares interest in the black community by donating generously the sum of $100,000,000 to racial equality. Michael Jordan, a formal professional basketball player, six times championship winner and star player of the Chicago Bulls has always given supports to the black community. The donation of $100 […]